Import Services

As a legal entity, a PMA companycan obtain an import license to allow it to import products into Indonesia. The main required licenses for a PMA company to perform importation are :

Import Identification Number

I. Import Identification Number-Producer (API-P)

A. Procedure for Issuance of API-P
  1. API-P is required by the company which will import goods all over Indonesia to be used alone and / or supports production process and is not allowed to be traded to another party before they were used at least 2 (two) years as of notification date of import customs.
  2. Each importer may only have one (1) type of API, the API-P or API-U.
  3. Authority for Issuance of API-P according to its classification is on:
    • Contractor in the field of Energy and Mineral Resources and Oil and Gas (ESDM & Migas) that carries out activitiesunder Contract of Work by the Director General of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Commerce.
    • Bussiness activities in the framework of domestic and foreign investments by PTSP Centre / BKPM or officials at the Commerce Departement in the Institution Organizing {TSP in the Province or Chief Administrator of KPBPB in accordance its authority.
  4. Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) for issuance of API-P is no later than 5 (five) working days or the rejection is no later than five (5) working days, and the owned of API-P is obliged to re-register in every 5 (five) years.

II. Importer Identification Number-General (API-U)

B. Procedures for Issuance of API-U
  1. API-U is required by the company which will import goods all over Indonesia for the purposes of business activities by trading or handing over goods to the other party. Such Import of goods is only for group / type of goods which covered 1 (one) section as set out in Goods Classification System under laws and regulations.
  2. Company of API-U owner may import group / type of goods more than 1 (one) section if:
  • The company imports goods from companies abroad and has special relationship in the form of a contractual agreements, loan agreement, agreement on provider or regulated laws and regulations.
  • The Company is a business entity whose capital is wholly or largely owned by the state capital.
  • Each importer may only have 1 (one) type of API, the API-P or API-U.
  • Authority for issuance of API-U Authority is on PTSP Centre / BKPM or official of Departement of Commerce at the Institution Organizing PTSP in the Province in accordance with its authority.
  • Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) for importers owing API must perform re-registration every five (5) years.


Requirements  of APIU/APIP :
  1. Record company Article Of Association
  2. Record of Busineess/Industry license (SIUP/IUI)
  3. Record of Business Certificate Registration (TDP)
  4. Record of Tax Payer Number (NPWP) NPWP address same with company domicile.
  5. Record of Company Domicile
  6. Photograph 3×4 cm 2 (two) pieces.
  7. Record of BOD (Board of Director) KTP/PASSPORT/KITAS/IMTA
  8. Record of NPWP Director
  9. Original Bank Reference.